New Life - that's what this is all about. A journey to claim back total wellness, health, youthfulness and just feel great. The added bonus that came along - lost weight too! What a blessing and you can have it too. Write to me for more details. No obligations whatsoever and definitely no push selling. I don't believe in that coz I don't like it myself. - Talk to you soon.

Friday, May 15, 2009

DRP - Detoxification and Rejuvenation Programme

After reading so much about Newlife Dr Lynn Tan's 7-day Detoxification and Rejuvenation Programme (DRP), both my daughter and I decided to embark on this journey. The first day was pretty tough as we were so used to having rice, noodles, meat, fish, snacks, etc. The DRP requires us to take Herbal Klenz with Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey (Apple cider vinegar & honey = Honegar), Tissue Building Drink (basically Spirulina & honegar), health drink consisting of apple and carrot juice plus Newlife's Super Green Food and K-Salt, plenty of yoghurt, potato soup (also called Hipocrates soup), greens and fruits. As I am overweight and trying to lose some extra pounds, I decided to cut down on the solid food (veg & fruits) as recommended by Dr Lynn's DRP guide. I did this only after the 4th day. Even without cutting out the solids, I was already losing weight.

My main concern was that I needed to get my health straightened out and by doing the DRP, I definitely am starting to see the benefits. My blood test results show that I'm anaemic but thank God, after the 4th day into the DRP, I can see wonderful pink tinges in both my palms....

It used to be very yellowish pale looking - plus whilst doing the detox programme, I decided to stop my doctor's iron pills and hypo-thyroid medicine. I wanted to see just how effective this DRP is. I know for sure that it's working alright.

I intend to do another 7-days after I've completed this DRP. Just to make sure that I'm super healthy, super rejuvenated, super charged and hopefully super slim!!

Thanks to Newlife's DRP.. I have new life. What a blessing....

Oh.. not only that, my daughter is also on the road to recovering. You must be thinking.. just how old is she. Well she's 20 this year and she's got cholesterol particles in her blood - we did a blood analysis and through the microscope, we could see that her blood cells were stringed together, which meant her blood was thick!! At the age of 20. Friends used to tell her.. aiyah, you're still young lah. Dont have to worry about cholesterol - that's where everyone was wrong. Eating out and eating unhealthy, tasty food caused her blood to thicken and it gave her BREATHING problems.

We never knew what was wrong with her - she used to complain breathlessness, tightness of chest, super tired and she was just struggling. Even I used to think that she's just pulling my legs or it's not as severe coz she's young but NOW I really know. The blood analysis also showed that she had free radical damage and Vit C deficiency. Just imagine, the GP recommended that I take my daughter to the heart and lung specialist. Before that, she was given all sorts of medication to help her cope. After that, we sought the chinese sinseh for help. After 6-8 months of chinese medicine, she still has breathlessness but I must say that it improved from the time we saw the chinese sinseh. However, after stopping, her breathlessness returned. Unless we continue to take the chinese medicine on the long run, it's not going to help her.

Now that she's doing the DRP, thank God she is getting stronger, more energetic than she ever was. She has loads of pimples popping up - which is also a long term problem for her - seen GP, skin specialist... still plenty of acne/pimples. Her skin is starting to clear and she too will do another 7-days to ensure that it's gone for good.

Thanks again Newlife.

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